235 W Hickory St, Denton, TX 76201

Unlock the Many Benefits of Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy has roots in ancient medicine, but is used in modern times to treat countless conditions. Read to find out more.

If you’ve ever experienced chronic pain due to overuse injuries, tendonitis, bursitis or other musculoskeletal pain (ex. back, neck and shoulder pain), then cupping therapy may be an effective treatment option for you. Cupping is also known as myofascial decompression.

Cupping therapy, which dates back to ancient Egyptian, Chinese, and Middle Eastern cultures, has many uses. It’s used to break up scar tissue, increase blood circulation, promote cellular repair  and help heal chronic overuse injuries.

How Does It Work?

The suction effect of each cup creates a negative pressure beneath the cup, separating the different layers of connective tissues and resulting in microtrauma and tearing. This separation is critical  to accelerate healing because it triggers  blood flow and nutrients to the area being treated, enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Cupping also allows muscles to relax, helping to increase mobility, decrease stiffness, and diminish pain.

What Are The Benefits?

Cupping has many benefits as a form of alternative medicine. Some of these benefits include:

  • Decompression of soft tissue adhesions and restrictions
  • Improving lymphatic flow 
  • Reducing  inflammation and pain
  • Stimulating circulation
  • Promoting cellular repair and healing 
  • Facilitating the removal of toxins and waste from the body
  • Improving tissue function

What to Expect

During treatment, plastic, silicone, or glass cups are used to create suction on specific parts of your body. The most common ways to use cups involve static and dynamic cupping. Static cupping includes leaving cups in place while the patient relaxes. Dynamic cupping is achieved by either having the patient move with cups on to help mobilize tissue, or dragging the cups along the skin with an emollient.  

It is common to experience some bruising after cupping sessions. Bruises will resolve on their own and usually last anywhere from a few hours to several days depending on the injury or condition of the tissue. Cupping marks are a sign that stagnating or unhealthy blood, cellular debris, and toxins have moved toward the skin surface and away from the deeper tissue layers. Cupping may also cause soreness in the treatment area for about 24-48 hours.

Overall, a cupping session can be incredibly beneficial and leave you feeling much better and refreshed!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cupping painful?

When cups are placed, you might feel a slight pinch of the skin, but most patients find static cupping relaxing. Some patients find dynamic cupping to be uncomfortable but not necessarily painful. The areas where cups are placed may feel warm as blood is pumped into the area and stimulates the muscle tissue.

How long does each treatment take? 

The benefits of cupping do not require a long duration of time to be highly effective. Static cupping typically lasts longer than dynamic cupping, but each session usually lasts a few minutes. The duration of your session depends on the objective of your provider and the condition of your injury or muscle tissue.

Cupping is included with your chiropractic or massage treatment and will take place during your appointment time if the doctor or therapist thinks it will be beneficial for your specific pain or injury. 

Book an Appointment

Experience the remarkable benefits of cupping. Contact us today to schedule an appointment! 


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